Femdom Cave

Adult Literature for the Discerning Reader
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Punishing the Philanderer


Can a dyed-in-the-wool cheat and serial philanderer ever really be cured?

Even by a naturally dominant female?

This is the question asked of herself by a powerful, shapely, and highly desirable, business-woman when the next man who seems a long-term prospect enters her life.

Her chance of succeeding improved greatly, when the man in question is not only forced to rent his apartment because he can’t make the mortgage but eagerly accepts her offer to move in with her in exchange for some light chores. Her position strengthened even further when he is made redundant at his workplace.

A position she uses to force him to accept her discipline on those occasions when he is found wanting and… misbehaves.

Misbehavior that will eventually lead to his having to make a life-changing choice if he is to remain in her life…


Rosie Blue



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