Femdom Cave

Adult Literature for the Discerning Reader
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Hubby’s New Place


With “Hubby’s New Place”, Rafael Menton gives us the story of a wife who takes advantage of her husband’s recent and debilitating encounter with Sepsis to wrest control from him.

Not only of their shared and thriving Real Estate Agency, but of their marriage itself.

And the literature she is led to online and in book form by a practitioner of the female-led lifestyle is not going to soften her stance – even if she does genuinely love a husband she has come to believe has certain traits that make him ideal for the kind of wife-led autocracy she has in mind and will be far happier if he could be forced to acknowledge his true beta-status took and care of her in the way a partner of an alpha-woman should.

The way of an obedient and utterly dependent manservant!

But, as is the way with autocrats, success leads to contempt and she is about to find there will be consequences for her dominance of him.

The question being, will those consequences be good or bad?

And, more importantly, who will they be for?


Rafael Menton



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