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Can Femdom Save The World?

Can Femdom Save The World?

Why men do a terrible job in ruling our world so can Femdom save the World?
Many people complain about the mess of our world is in today but if we was to look at history we find we have always lived in a world of conflict and chaos. And the reason for this is that men have always rule our world. The only way we can have a more caring and peaceful world is for women to become our rulers.
(Because history was written by men, we cannot be sure that men have always ruled our world. Historians like Robert Graves, J.J. Bachofen, Jane Harrison, Robert Biffault and many others, as well as archaeologists like James Mellaart and Marija Gimbutas have claimed that women once ruled the world in pre-historic times.)
Mainstream history books tell us that men have always dominated women and claim we have always lived in a sort of maledom world. An example of this is, “The Rape of the Sabine Women,” where the early Romans forcefully abducted women from neighbouring tribes and boasted about it in their written history. (This concept was then sanitised in the 1950s musical film “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”. Which tried to suggest the abduction and rape of women was perfectly all right.)

The customs of male dominated societies can also be very cruel and sadistic to women. Like we see in China with foot binding which crippled women, and this still went on, up until the 20th century. Or genital mutilation where women’s clitoris are cut off and his still goes on today in many Muslim countries.

The beating and spanking of women was also commonplace and this was part of popular culture right up until the 1960s. An example of this is the film “MacLintock” where John Wayne spanks Maureen O’Hara. At the time, this film was seen to be normal and not considered to be controversial, like it would today. This then begs the question of why men are cruel towards women? The reason might be is that is that men are also very cruel to each other, as well as animals and even to themselves.

In spite of what some people claim, the average women and men are very different from each other. The main difference is that women give birth to children and men don’t, which makes women unlike men both physically, mentally and emotionally. We see this in children where little girls like playing with dolls and cute toy animals while boys like playing with toy cars, aeroplanes and guns.

We also see this in the animal world, where male animals fight each other for dominance and access to females. Like we see with stags, bulls and lions but also in our great ape cousins like chimpanzees and gorillas where ape males also fight each other for dominance. (The exception to this is the bonobo where the females dominate the males through a powerful sisterhood.) But after males have fought each other and fertilize the females, the females give birth and then nurture and care for their young.

So we find that men and women have two different instincts that drive their behaviour. Men have competitive instincts which means men like to compete against each other and when taken to the extreme, this can lead to violence, war and genocide. It also leads to a unfair society where the rich become the winners and keep all the wealth and power to themselves while the vast majority of people are the losers and so are poor and powerless.

Women have strong maternal instincts which gives women the desire to give birth to children and then nurture and care for them. (All species of animals would quickly go extinct if females didn’t have this instinct.) This instinct is so strong women not only want to care for their own children but seem to want to care for other people’s children, as well as the sick and elderly and also animals. This is why we find it is mostly women in the caring professions, like care workers, nurses and social workers.

When Male Animals Fight

When male animals fight each other with horns, teeth and claws, the harm they do to each other is limited. This is not true in the human world where men fight other men not only with spears and swords like in the past, but in the modern times fight with more destructive weapons like rifles, guns, rockets, tanks, flame throwers, and bombs dropped from aircraft. With these weapons men can destroy whole cities and kill thousands of people.

Then there is also the danger of nuclear war. During the cold war between NATO and the USSR people lived in constant fear of a nuclear war. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union this danger hasn’t gone away. There are at least nine countries in the world that have nuclear weapons and many other countries want them as well. So it is going to be impossible to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to most countries of the world. It only needs nuclear weapons getting into the hands of one insane dictator or terrorist group, to start a nuclear conflict.

So would it be any better if women ruled the world instead? There is good reason to think so. It is unusual for women to fight each other for dominance. So in any dispute between female dominated governments, the women of each country are far more likely to talk over their differences than go to war.

It is true a female dominated government is always in danger of being attacked by a male dominated countries, but women are more than capable of defending themselves. In the past queens like Queen Boadicea, Queen Elizabeth 1 and Catherine the Great have all had to go to war. And in modern times female leaders like Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher have also been successful war leaders.

Another problem with male dominated rule is it creates very unequal societies where there is always is a huge gap between rich and poor. Even when the people have risen up in revolt, like we see in the French and Russian revolutions against the ruling elite. The gap between rich and poor changed very little after these revolutions, as the new leaders were even worse than the old leaders. The problem was that the new rulers were still men.

As previously mentioned, males have a competitive instinct and females have a nurturing instinct. Therefore in a female dominated government would have different priorities to a male dominated government. They would have less interest in competing with other people for power, wealth and dominance but instead focus their minds on the welfare of children. This means they would not want to see children live in poverty or ignorance and so through their concern for children would end up creating a more equal society.

So it is self-evident that women would make a far better job in ruling our world than men. As they are generally far more caring and compassionate people then what men are. But this is a logical argument and human beings are not motivated by logic and reason, but by desires and emotions. So how can women rule the world? Men have the advantages of being bigger, stronger and more aggressive than women, so why would they surrender these advantages to allow women to rule our world?

One possibility is for women to do the same as the bonobo. The bonobo ape is closely related to the chimpanzee, but unlike the chimp the females dominate the males. They do this through a powerful sisterhood. Even though male bonobos are larger than the females, if any male attempts to use force or aggression against any female, all the females in the area will come to her aid and attack the male. So the females always stick together and dominate the males through a powerful sisterhood.

This is in total contrast to chimpanzees where if a female chimp is bullied or assaulted by a larger male chimp she is left to fend for herself, as no other female will come to her aid. This is why Chimpanzees live in male dominated societies. But female domination is not unusual in primates, the female Rhesus macaques monkeys also have a powerful sisterhood like bonobos, and dominate the males. While the Lemurs of Madagascar, the females are also the dominant sex.

Feminists have talked about this and even used the slogan, “the sisterhood is powerful”, but so far they have failed to make this work in practise. So if women cannot form a powerful sisterhood how else can women dominate and rule our world? Perhaps women can use femdom to dominate and control men.

Men tend to associate sexual desire with dominance and submission and even take it to the extreme and have sadomasochistic desires. This probably comes from our animal past, because male animals fight each other for dominance and the right to have sex with females. So human males seem to have similar desires. Although men rarely fight each to have sex with women, they still associate sex with dominance and submission in the way male animals do. And men even take it to the extreme with sadistic and masochistic desires.

Because internet pornography is now easy available to everyone. Women going on pornographic web-sites have been horrified by the sadomasochistic fantasies that excite men. Maledom fantasies are commonplace in pornography but there are also femdom and people have questioned why men would have fantasies like this. But we would only wonder why some men have femdom fantasies if we believe that men are the natural dominant sex. But is that true?

Why men are the submissive sex

Although it seems men rule our world, the average man has very little power, because the vast majority of men, throughout history, have been poor and powerless. We have to remember that in the past, there were just as many male slaves and serfs as there were women. It is only a small elite of men who rule our world and it has always been like this, according to our history books. And the reason why a small elite are able to rule the vast majority of men, is because men are naturally submissive to anyone in any position of authority.

There has been psychological studies where groups of men who don’t know each other, are put together to do a task and see how they do it. What was discovered is that men are unable to organize themselves unless they appoint a leader. Because without a leader whom everyone obeys, there are arguments and total chaos. This is not true of women whom were also tested in the same way, but with their better communication and social skills were still able to work together without needing a leader.

So it is men’s natural submission to any leader that create the hierarchical system that all male dominated societies have to use. And even when these male leaders abuse their positions of power or even go insane, men will still obey them. History tells us that things have to became really bad for men to rebel.

When we look at the behaviour of rutting animals we find that only a small majority of male animals get to play the dominant role. It is only the biggest and strongest male animal that fertilise the females the rest of the male animals lose out. We see the same in human society. In the past only a small minority of men became Kings, princes and dukes, everyone else had to do as they were told. Today, it is the same where only a small minority of men are billionaires who can use their wealth to dominate our world. They do this by bribing politicians and owning and controlling the mainstream media, which they use to brainwash the general population into whatever they want them to believe.

So the vast majority of men have always played the submissive role throughout our history and it is the natural submissiveness of men that makes our society possible. If all men were truly dominant and refused to let anyone tell them what to do, then there would be so much conflict in our world that any form of civilization would be impossible. It is the total obedience by men to anyone in a position of authority that makes an organized and ordered society possible.

How submissive men are, can be seen from the First World War. This war was one of the worse in human history. The reason for this is that armies were stuck in trenches and if they attempted to attack the enemy, they had to come out of the trenches and be slaughtered in their thousands by machine gun and rifle fire. What is remarkable about this war, is how few men refused to disobey orders, that resulted in their deaths.

Although this did happen on the Russian front were disaffected Russian soldiers did mutiny and this brought about the Russian revolution when the Bolsheviks took advantage of the Russian soldier’s rebellion. Then later German soldiers also began to refuse to fight and this forced the German leaders to sue for peace. But 10 millions people died in this war, before this finally happened.

If men are so obedient to authority that they will obey orders knowing that they will most likely die obeying them. Then we have to question just how dominant men are. Because total obedience to anyone in authority, even when ordered to do something that will probably kill you, is the behaviour of extremely submissive people.

In the Second World War the Japanese took it a step further with their Kamikaze attacks. These suicide pilots weren’t volunteers, they were simply ordered to carry out suicide attacks and very few disobeyed. Even today, there are suicide bombers in terrorist organizations where men can be indoctrinated into blowing themselves up with hidden explosives attached to their bodies.

It is true there are female suicide bombers but it is harder to brainwash women to do this. As the result there are large numbers of would-be female suicide bombers in Israel prisons. These are women who have had explosives attached to them, but have not followed orders. Because they preferred to surrender to Israel soldiers, rather than trying to kill others by blowing themselves up. So if men can be so easy brainwashed into obeying any type of order, no matter how insane or stupid it is. Then they will obey anyone in authority no matter whether they are male or female.

How to make it possible for women to rule our world

How do people get to be rulers of our world? The common way to do this is to, “choose your parents wisely.” In the past, the only way to be a ruler was to be born a king. Nowadays, it’s more complicated because of democracy, but most people in positions of power still tend to come from wealthy families. It is true some people coming from a poor background can achieve great wealth and power but this is the exception and not the rule. And we generally find that the children of ‘new money’ still end up as members of the ruling elite.

This means that people don’t really need any special talent to get into any position of power. It is the wealth of your parents, that is far more important than anything else. It just means that all women have to do is become the new aristocratic ruling class. Then men will obey them as they are the people in positions of authority. But how can women do that? It may be possible by exploiting men’s weaknesses.

Feminism has been a great help in female empowerment but in some ways it has become a hindrance. What feminist have claimed is that men and women are equal, and back at the beginning of the 20th century when men and women were clearly not equal, this was a powerful argument for motivating women. The problem is that because men are competitive minded, they do not have a lot of interest in equality.

Men can get excited by fantasies of men dominating women or women dominating men but think the whole idea of sexual equality extremely boring. So what is needed is to flip men from fantasies of maledom to that of femdom, but to do this, needs the cooperation of women. They have to play the dominant women roles, that excite men.

The big problem women have with femdom is that they are less competitive than men and so are not into dominance and submission fantasies in the same way men are. There are far more men who have femdom fantasies than what women do. As the result, we find many women who are professional dominatrixes, will only do it for the money.

The classic fairy tale and romantic story that women read, shows us just how mercenary women are when they choose a male partner. Women have fantasies about marrying a prince because he is a wealthy man. This is something that Jane Austin satirises in her romantic novels. But the reason why these fantasies are attractive to women, is because a woman not only has to think about herself, but also her future children. So marrying a rich and powerful man will ensure her future children are well looked after.

Even in the infamous story “50 Shades of Grey” the main male character is a billionaire. So it means the heroine is happy to indulge a man’s bondage fantasies, if she can bag a wealthy husband. If the kinky hero had been a poor man, it probably wouldn’t be so interesting to female readers. This also means women will have the same attitude about femdom. They will be happy to play along with any male fantasies providing they will benefit from it.

Maledom Fantasies

Unfortunately, maledom fantasies seem more commonplace in our world. It was acceptable for John Wayne to spank Maureen O’Hara but had it been the other way around and Maureen O’Hara had given John Wayne a spanking. It would have been seen as extremely shocking and perverted and completely destroyed John Wayne’s macho man image. The same is true today, “50 Shades of Grey”, managed to become a mainstream novel, but a similar femdom story would still be beyond the pale.

Mainstream books and films teach women that it is normal for men to be macho and dominant and so they are wary about any man wanting to be submissive towards them. Even though men with femdom fantasies, hand women all the advantages. So women fear taking advantage of men’s femdom fantasies, as they wonder what’s the catch, as they cannot understand why men would have fantasies like this. This is because they have been told that men are the natural dominant sex and don’t realise just how submissive normal men really are.

Another problem women have is that they are far more concerned about being respectable than what men are. Women have a stronger need to fit in and be like everyone else than what men do. So for this reason they are less likely to publicly associate themselves with something like femdom if they think it has only a minority interest.

Because of feminism in recent years we have had more wealthy and powerful women, but not all of these powerful women are sisters and don’t use their power to help other women. Many are even critical of feminism. So even rich and powerful women don’t have the confidence to question the status quo.

But if women realise that perhaps femdom is not a kinky perversion of a small minority of men, but instead realise that men are the natural submissive sex. Then women are far more likely to exploit men’s submissive and masochistic desires. And this will benefit men as well. As previously mentioned male rulers are as uncaring for the men they rule, as they are for women. So because women have caring and maternal instincts, a femdom world will benefit men as well as women.

In the end, women are looking for relationships with men that benefit them. So women like dominant men if they have a lot of money or because they think a strong dominant man will keep themselves and their children safe. This is changing now, as women are earning their own money and so women with successful careers would see the benefit of having a submissive male partner. Although she still might want to keep the true nature of their relationship a secret.

So if we could have femdom stories part of the mainstream publishing or a femdom romantic genre for women. Then it would make femdom respectable in our society and give a big boost to female empowerment. As it would change normal people’s attitudes about femdom and help make it possible for women to rule our world. Perhaps femdom stories that would appeal to female readers could be on the lines of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin. Where the feisty heroine rejects the proposal of a extremely wealthy man but this doesn’t diminish his love for her and he has to conform to what she wants, to win her hand in marriage.

Although it would help if femdom became acceptable among the common people, but where it would make a big difference is in the billionaire class. Femdom literature was started by a 19th century novel, “Venus In Furs” written by the Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The important point is he was a an Austrian nobleman, and if he wasn’t part of the Austrian ruling class there is no way a novel like that would have been published or taken seriously.

So in modern times, billionaires with femdom desires can use their wealth to influence the public. For instance the billionaire media mogul Ted Turner, (ex husband of Jane Fonda) have said at different times.

“I’ve said for years, and I’m really serious about it: I think men should be barred from holding public office for a hundred years.”
“Men have been running the world for the last thousand years, and they’ve mucked it up something awful.”
“If women were in control it would be a much more peaceful, prosperous, equitable world in a very short period of time”.
Although we don’t know if Ted Turner has any femdom fantasies, he clearly appreciates women. So in the future any billionaire with femdom desires could use his power to try and brainwash people into accepting femdom through mainstream media outlets.
If women get into a position of power they need to reject any idea of sexual equality. Male dominated governments in the past, and even today in some parts of the world, have had strict rules about not allowing any women in positions of power. If women take over, then they need to do the same and make laws that only allow women to be rulers. It would also help if women learn from bonobos and create a powerful sisterhood so women can stick together to resist any attempts by ambitious men to regain power.

This would create a far more caring and peaceful world for everyone where we no longer have poverty or war or fear of nuclear annihilation. But this is only possible if women can completely dominate and control men and never allow them to get into any position of power again.

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