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Transgender Femdom & Victoria’s Manse

Victoria’s Manse – Book Four

Transgender Femdom – Up front, I have to admit that I would never have thought that I could get four volumes out of my autobiography about my transition from having been a hermaphrodite and to being a submissive woman, having started life as a young male. Parallel tracking this has been my submissive side to my character both in life and sexually, this not reducing at anytime during the above process – if anything, it has intensified.

This volume comes after an interesting time, life having been quite a turmoil as, hopefully, will come out during my narration of what happened and the emotions that I felt. 

I’m not going to go back through the summaries of Volume 1 and 2 – they can be found at the start of Volume 3, so it’s on this volume that I will focus my summary as an ‘aide de memoire’ and then lead in to more recent history. And things have moved on – significantly so.

The first two volumes had covered my early days a male, the loss of my parents and then the move to Aunt Victoria’s Manse – and how she had taken to transforming me. Imagine the shock when we discovered that I had female sex organs underneath my external genitals. From there on, it was about preparing for the actual operation and how I came into the world of Château Droupt and The Countess d’Orsayville and her husband, The Count Henri, Henri was a professor at Reims University and partnered with a Florence-based female professor, Carla, she leading my eventual operation to re-engineer my vaginal area, part transformation and part transplant, my lower vagina and nerve system coming across from a donor’s body.

After the operation, successful that it was after a hiccup apparently, I ended up convalescing at the Château and had an introduction to the ways of the ‘Fem-Dom’ training college there. After this, the story moved to Alnwick and how I recovered and also how our lingerie and massage businesses started to flourish – this had resulted in two of The Countess’s girls joining us, these being Dominique to work in our massage spa and Kristina, a brilliant fabric specialist to take on our production lines. Then we promoted a local girl, Jenny, from within to work with Dominique, she having worked at the house. Suddenly, we had gone from Aunt Victoria being a Domme with one submissive to handle to four of us as her core team.

This in addition to the team that looked after the house, they being support staff than anything sexual though, of course, they had a pretty good idea what went on in a lesbian household.

Volume 3 began with the business and moved onto how I lost my female virginity, Aunt Victoria taking me away for a few days to L’Enclume in Cartmel, The Lake District. The conclusion of how I felt post the sensational event of having a dildo in my cunt for the first time, sexually so, was that I wrote was ‘Exhaustion, Satisfaction, Immense warmth’.

It was so memorable that I forgot it was my birthday, the girls joining us the day after in Ambleside to surprise me and then coming on to the inn. They were taken back when they saw the antique stock that Aunt Victoria had bought from an antique shop in the village.

It wasn’t long after when we took the commercial ‘plunge off the high diving-board’ in that we had signed up for two industry shows, important ones that they were, in Solihull and Paris, the shows nearly back-to-back so it lent some efficiency for us to go from one to the other. Everything was geared towards making a success of that what with the stock to be finished, the stand to be designed and built and all the arrangements that go into the logistics. 

Fortunately, we had on-boarded a sales and marketing manager in Marianne and what a valuable asset that she turned out to be. Lesbian, she was, but with a regular partner. At this point of time, even though she accepted us all, she showed no inkling to become part of the ‘house team’ in subservience to Aunt Victoria.

The show turned out to be an enormous success and we ended up a flood or orders to the point that we were starting to question our production side and could we meet the deadlines to ship out to the customers – and we still had Paris to go.  In fact, what happened was that we had a visit from Bryony Trott and her partner Emily, our lawyers. They not only helped out on the stand but with her connections to The Countess, feelers were put out on the staffing front and to be extended through The Circle, that group of very private and mega-wealthy women that made up the Domme club – we didn’t necessarily need to expand the inner team but just to have women who were understanding of the life that we led – and we also found the bridging finance for both working-capital and extra equipment.

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